This site is named after an impressive hatch of a particular type of dragonfly known as the Muskeg Emerald (Somatochlora septentrionalis), witnessed by naturalist Stu Tingley in 1998. This was the first record of the species in the province of New Brunswick. With a brassy green thorax (mid-section) and a short yellow stripe at the base of the wings, this dragonfly tends to be found in wetlands that are high in sphagnum moss with little open water. Eggs are laid on submerged vegetation with this particular species of nymph, spending its first couple of years underwater until it crawls up to the surface where it splits off its old skin and a body with wings emerge. The diet of the water-bound nymph consists of essentially any critter that moves. Mosquito larva, tadpoles, aquatic insects, and even small fish are fair game! In pursuit of quick prey, the nymph will eject water from its behind for a bit of a rocket boost. As an airborne adult, their diet changes to flies, mosquitoes, butterflies, moths, and even bees. The Muskeg Emerald is capable of eating its own weight in invertebrates in a half an hour.